Východní brána Geoparku Český Ráj


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Vidochov Postranní oltář kostela z 19. století - Vidochov (foto 1)Pohled z kúru na oltář - Vidochov (foto 2)Socha Panny Marie Trpící (Pieta) z 19. století - Vidochov (foto 3)Centrální kříž vidochovského hřbitova - Vidochov (foto 4)
Map: Vidochov

The village is documented in the historical records of 1386. The nearby village Stupná was the only place in the region where gold used to be extracted in the Middle Ages. Until 1945 these villages were part of the German-speaking diaspora. The dominant feature of Vidochov is the newly renovated neo-Roman Church of Guardian Angels from 1879.

Map Vidochov